To cure the prostatitis, the house with the help of different broths and funds of plant origin. We will consider that cure prostatitis in men:
The pumpkin seeds.
There are a number of medicines that contain the extract from the seeds of the pumpkin. For those who do not want to spend money on expensive medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men in the home, you can resort to using recipes, and fabricate a drug based on pumpkin seeds. According to the research, for the normal functioning of the prostate gland should be to eat about 30 pumpkin seeds in a day. Zinc content in the plant, influences benficamente on the work of the male body.
The mix of pumpkin and honey to cure the prostatitis, without leaving home. Mix the soil kilos used pumpkin seeds with a glass of honey. Wind gathered the dough into small balls and place in the dark, in a cool place. You have two balls all day. The course of therapy, it is recommended to carry out within one month each year.
Aspen bark.
An effective means against inflammation of the prostate serves for the cooking of the bark of the poplar. Cut the crust off of the spring at the time that juice in the tree moves still slow and has not reached the inflammation of the kidneys. Brew in a quart of boiling water, chopped bark, and leave drink in the period of 15 days. The expiration take a spoonful of the tool three times a day.
The decoction of the leaves and the roots of hazel.
The effective treatment of prostatitis in men in the home cooking of the hazel will get rid of the disease after a week after the course of treatment. To prepare the drink should be the brewing of a cup of tools every day and drink four of the set.
The parsley.
This effective tool of struggle with the prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate, as well as stagnant phenomena in the pelvic area. Unique floor plan has a positive effect on the power and improves the semen quality. For the prevention and treatment of prostatitis can be consume the juice of parsley, thirty minutes before the meal, and to take decoction of parsley, six times a day before meals.
A pear.
An excellent means of prostatitis is the compote of dried fruits. After a week of regular use of the drink pain in the groin calms down, the swelling disappears.
The garlic.
As is well known, this type of root has the most powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Eating a decoction of garlic before a meal, you will be able to get rid not only of an inflammatory process in the prostate, but multiply the strength of men, as well as the main action of garlic is to improve the circulation of blood in the organs of the pelvis.
The honey bee.
The healing properties of honey since ancient times used in folk medicine. For the treatment of prostatitis, you can use the honey from the candles. Mix the honey, egg, and flour, roller rectal candles and store in the refrigerator. For the success of the therapy, it is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day.
This plant has anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial and styptic effect. The most common of the medicine is the tincture of Kalanchoe. Pour the vodka chopped leaves of the plant and let the fluid sit for a week. As soon as the dye is ready, use a teaspoon of the drink once a day.
The tincture of the celandine.
The juice of this plant possesses antibacterial action. When a non-business use may have burns on the skin or the mucosa. To prepare the infusion, pour the slurry of the plant in alcohol and dilute it with water. The course of treatment is booking 60 days of expiration should make a pause and start to go back to therapy over 10 days.
The tincture of the chestnut.
The substances which enter into the composition of plants, strengthen the vessels, purifies the blood, improves circulation in the pelvic area. The chestnut efficiently dilutes the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots. Vitamins c and E have an antioxidant effect and derived from an organism of toxins and decomposition products, the vitamin A has A preventive action against prostate cancer. Zinc, chromium, and boron, contained in the nut, improve the work of the sex glands, thereby re-establishing the purpose of your home country, the role of men.
The cooking of the wood of a chestnut should be taken 30 drops before meals. The course of treatment is divided into three stages, with breaks of 10 days.
The conifers of the tub.
To correct the inflammatory process and pain relief you can use the conifer forests of france. Pour the mixture into a basin of water at the temperature of 37°C, add the solution of conifers in a small quantity and carry out the procedure every day for 20 minutes.
Therapeutic exercise.
To improve the circulation of blood in the pelvis, it is recommended to perform daily exercises:
Perform 10 squats deep in the morning.
- In a supine position, you should do three sets of Mach 20 feet, making an exercise "scissors".
- At the time of aggravation of the disease lie on your back, pull your bent legs to the abdomen and press firmly with your hands. Rest in this posture for 20 minutes. These measures effectively alleviate the pain and discomfort in the groin area.
- In a standing position, perform the movement of rotation of the pelvis 20 times in one direction and then the other.
- Lying on the back, lift the pelvis, and is in this position for a minute. The exercise should be done in three approaches.
These activities and recipes to identify symptoms of prostatitis, and find cheap and effective medicine, using popular methods of treatment.